Sunday, December 14, 2008

Circle! Circle!

Carolyn was very excited about running around Henry in a circle.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Milestones

We are proud to announce that Henry got his first tooth on Monday, and crawled for the first time today! It snowed a couple days ago and Jared took her out to see it. I don't think she liked it at all. She complained that her face was hot.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Busy Holidays

Sorry we haven't updated with new pictures in a while, but with all the busy happenings and goings on we have been starved for time.
We had a great trip to Texas for a wedding reception. The kids did amazing in the car and didn't seem to mind a bit. Then we had a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner at our house with Jared's family, and since then we've been busy working on Christmas presents. Sorry I can't tell you what they are or show you pictures (it would spoil the surprise).
Carolyn has been a handful learning to get into new thing and making bigger messes, but her ability to memorize things easily just amazes us. Henry grows like a weed and is learning how to push himself up on to a sitting position, and amazes us with how he can back himself up into the tiniest corners.

Here's Jared's first attempt at making homemade pizza all by himself.
Here's Henry's first attempt at solid food.

Here's the first time Henry pushed himself up to a sitting position.
Here's a cute outfit Dieneke made for Carolyn.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Carolyn's 2nd Birthday

Today we had a party for Carolyn. She turns 2 tomorrow. We can hardly believe how big she is growing. She knows most of her colors, a third of her letters, and most animal names. She is so smart!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

God has answered our prayers

It's kind of an odd thing to thank God for, but the Lord has answered our prayers and Jared will be laid off in January. It's so exciting to see how the Lord provides. Because he is getting laid off he will get 40 hours of severance pay, medical insurance coverage through the end of January, and most importantly he will be eligible for unemployment when we go into training with NTM. Another blessing is that he gets to choose what day will be his final day at work, so he will still be able to work until the week before we go to MTC in Missouri. Isn't our God awsome!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sorry I waited so long to post

I know it's alot of pictures, but just bear with me.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

26 Cans of Pears

I'm finally done canning! I pushed myself today to get the last of the pears canned before they started going bad. It feels good to be done, despite the fact that I've had to neglect some basic house hold chores. So my house is a mess, but my pears are done. I'm so proud of myself. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures with my new camara

Here's what we've been up to. A week ago we went to a friend's house and picked pears. We had lots of fun feeding some to the horses. Carolyn quickly lost her fear of large animals, even Henry got into it. Since then I've been busy canning and dehydrating pears. So far I have 12 cans done.Jared and I have been struggling to fit in alone time, but we've taken full advantage of the few moments we've gotten.

Henry is really growing. He can sit up all by himself for several minutes. Lately he's been having laughing contests with Carolyn. It's really adorable.

Carolyn has herself just about potty trained. She loves playing with Henry and has begun taking care of her dolls and stuffed animals like mom does Henry, putting them to bed and rocking them. The cutest is when she puts them on the toilet or reads to them.