Sunday, September 24, 2006

These last few weeks

Here's what's new!

Jared's beard is getting long!
Doesn't he look so silly. (he looks like a squirrel)

My tomatoes are finally turning red!
I canned some peaches!

And here's Deanna when she came to visit today.
She looks so good! (if you're a guy, BACK OFF!)


Friday, September 08, 2006

My Hobbies

I've been painting with water colour agian, what do you think so far? I've just started, but here's the part of the picture I've basically completed. And here's the real picture of Jared...... I think I've got alot of work to do.

Here's a pic of my beautiful tomatoes. I haven't had any turn red yet,but I'll be sure to post a pic when I do.