Thursday, June 28, 2007

More on our rough week

I finally got Jared to put together a display of all his boyscout stuff. It really looks great!

It's been a tough week with Carolyn sick and Jared working on a different schedule, but it looks as though it's all coming to a close. Carolyn seems to be over the worst of her cold, and Jared will be back to his normal schedule after Friday.
This next week promises to be full of adventure. Saturday evening my family should be arriving, and they've promised to spend 5 nights with us which includes Independence Day. It'll be awesome.

p.s.-Carolyn now has 2 teeth!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rough Time

On Saturday I gave Carolyn a tiny bit of Gerber rice cereal and she began throwing up, then when she began throwing up blood we took her to the hospital. They tried to give her an IV, but she was too dehydrated and all they accomplished was to badly bruise her foot and make her scream. It was quite the ordeal.

Jared's working first shift this week so they can train him for something and we both have decided we really hate him working first shift. He leaves in the morning before I'm up, so I barely get to say goodbye, and by the time he comes home he's so exhausted that our time together is rather boring and unproductive. Also Carolyn takes really long naps in the evening so he gets hardly any time with her.

Carolyn has had a runny nose the last couple days, but yesterday evening it got a lot worse. She now also has a bad cough and continually cries a very pitiful cry of discomfort. Last night both Jared and I were up with her comforting her and trying to help her fall asleep.

I really can't wait for this week to be over.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Things She Can Do

Carolyn can now sit up by herself, crawl, and she now has one tooth!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

On our first Father's Day as parents, we went out to eat with my family, took some cute pictures, and hung out. Dieneke also bought me some new shorts and some cologne.


Monday, June 11, 2007


She's so big, and soooooooooo cute. Her new teeth are just starting to push their way up through her gums. And she can now crawl.....not forward, only backward till she runs into a wall.

I made this ladybug dress for Carolyn

Check out Jared's great beard!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Nothing new

Here's Carolyn with her Grammy. Carolyn just loves swimming.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Art Contest, Furniture, Carolyn

There was an art contest at Cessna on Saturday. Of the pieces I entered these two got honorable mention.

An Acrylic painting 20x24 in.

A Sculpture 4x5 in.

We also got some new furniture.

Carolyn has begun to push herself up on her hands and knees.