Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm home from classes today because it's ANOTHER snow day. So this week has consisted of 1 sick day and 3 snow days. Carolyn seems to not be totally herself yet as she still is having some intestinal problems, but as you can see that doesn't stop her from being her happy little self. I have a bit of a sore throat and stuffy nose that I think I may have caught from the neighbor's kids. Hopefully next week will be a little more normal.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

more pictures

We have been so busy. I think we're finally settling into the routine. This last Monday we had to miss classes because all of us except Henry were sick, and the last two days Dieneke has had to miss classes to take care of the kids(there's no child care when the public schools have snow days). But God has given us just the time we need to keep up.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Arrived At MTC!

Well, we made it! After many days of planning, selling, and packing, we arrived at New Tribes Mission Missionary Training Center on Friday January 16. We were blessed with an enormous beautiful apartment that was only completed last summer; it's one of the highest buildings on the property, so there's a wonderful view from our second floor bedroom window of the entire campus, but it's a bit of a climb to get to it. We have a busy schedule, but we promise more posts and more pictures soon.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

So Cute

These pictures are so cute, I just had to put them up right away.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Hectic days

So sorry it's been so long since I updated. Things are very busy and will be for the next couple weeks until we move.
We had a great Christmas with Jared's family, Henderson Reunion in Texas, and New Year's Eve with friends and family. Too much has happened to tell you everything, but I will tell you how our kids are doing. Carolyn is really starting to learn the correct pronunciation of her words, and Henry has 2 teeth now and can pull himself up to a standing position.