The 24th was our 2nd anniversary, and Jared surprised me by shaving off his beard. I've been working the past couple days on making a new quilt for our bed. Carolyn has been learning how to crawl faster, and reach objects that are higher up. She's not pulling herself up to a standing position yet, but it's not that long till she figures it out. --DienekeThis pic of Jared is really creepy!
Carolyn can now get to a sitting and kneeling position by herself and her top teeth are starting to bud on the surface. She's very curious and talkative. Jared has begun to fly on a regular basis, and Dieneke has been busy at home with crafts and small projects.
Things have been so hectic and busy lately. Dieneke's family came for a visit and stayed 5 nights and left last Thursday. Since then we've had whole lists of things we've been trying to get done. I think life is somewhat back to normal now though. Here's pictures: Carolyn as begun to finally eat her first solids, here she's eating a cracker.
Click on this picture to see her two teeth up close.