Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pictures with my new camara

Here's what we've been up to. A week ago we went to a friend's house and picked pears. We had lots of fun feeding some to the horses. Carolyn quickly lost her fear of large animals, even Henry got into it. Since then I've been busy canning and dehydrating pears. So far I have 12 cans done.Jared and I have been struggling to fit in alone time, but we've taken full advantage of the few moments we've gotten.

Henry is really growing. He can sit up all by himself for several minutes. Lately he's been having laughing contests with Carolyn. It's really adorable.

Carolyn has herself just about potty trained. She loves playing with Henry and has begun taking care of her dolls and stuffed animals like mom does Henry, putting them to bed and rocking them. The cutest is when she puts them on the toilet or reads to them.

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