Monday, April 06, 2009

Some good news

This last Friday we took a test to see how well we would naturally do in linguistics, and today we bumped into the teacher who is grading the tests and he informed Jared that he had a perfect test. It's really exciting to know that Jared is naturally gifted in this area, but now this opens up another possibility of how we could be used on the field. Please pray with us that the Lord would guide us in deciding what type of job we should do over seas.

This last week Henry surprised us all and went from refusing all solids, to eating everything in sight. It has been really fun for Carolyn as she loves sharing her food with Henry. You would think this would make things easier on mom. Sadly no, because he has not switched from breastfeeding to solids, rather he has added the solids on to what he was already eating.

Here is a picture of Carolyn sharing her cheerios with Henry:

1 comment:

Kelli Bisbee said...

Perfect on your linguistics test! Sweet bro! I'm very impressed, I've taken that test. I knew you'd be a translator :)

- Kelli